Configure discountbot

Discountbot Configuration

In order to configure discountbot, you need to create a discountbot.ini file (or any name you prefer, finishing with the extension .ini) with the following parameters:

; duration of the discount in days

; use the following for MySQL - you need mysql_connector_python
; use the following for PostgreSQL - you need psycopg2 python library
; dbconnector=postgresql+psycopg2
; we use a SQL request to get the customers having an account but not using it
sql_get_users=select from customerinfos where not in (select customer_id from payments)
; we us a SQL request to create a discount
; {code} will be replaced by the discount code (see the [discount] section)
; {start} will be replaced by the current date
; {end} will be replaced by the current date + duration (see the [discount] section) days
; {created} will be replaced by the the current datetime while creating the discount
sql_create_discount=insert into discounts (code,percentage,start,end,status,created) values ('{code}',20.00,'{start}','{end}',1,'{created}')

email_subject=Your Incredible Discount!
; => only useful if you use authentication with SMTP
; email_pass=T0pS3cR4tP4s5w0rD => only useful if you use authentication with SMTP


For the [discount] section:

  • code: a string prefixing the discount code. ‘-%Y%m%d%H%S{indice}’ where indice is an incremental number of the customer while generating the discount will be added
  • duration: duration of the validity of the discount in days

For the [database] section:

  • db_connector: the Sqlalchemy connector to use to access your database (see examples). Defaults to mysql+mysqlconnector
  • db_host: the host where the database runs. Defaults to
  • db_name: the name of the database
  • db_user: the user name to access the database
  • db_pass: the password to access the database
  • sql_get_users: the SQL request to get the list of the emails of the people needing a discount
  • sql_create_discount: the SQL request to create the discounts. Available placeholders are {code} will be replaced by the discount code (see the [discount] section), {start} will be replaced by the current date, {end} will be replaced by the current date + duration (see the [discount] section) days, {created} will be replaced by the the current datetime while creating the discount

For the [email] section:

  • email_template_path: the path to the template of the email. Defaults to /usr/share/discountbot/discountbot.template.txt
  • email_host: the host to send the email to. Defaults to localhost
  • email_subject: the subject of the email
  • email_from: the email addresse of the sender
  • email_user: login for SMTP authentication
  • email_pass: password for SMTP authentication

For the [sqlite] section:

  • sqlite_path: the path to the sqlite database file to store emails of people who already got the discount. Defaults to /var/lib/discountbot/discountbot.db

Email Template

The email template is a html file with some placeholders. These placeholders will be replaced by the discount code:

  • {code}: replaced by the discount code generated by DiscountBot
  • {duration}: the value duration from the configuration file

Here is an example of the content of the email template:


<head> </head> <body>

<p>Hi,</p> <p>As we are really happy to have you as a potential customer, we are offering you a 20% discount, available for {duration} days!</p> <p>Here is your discount code: {code}</p> <p>Cheers,</p>

